

Copper Kettle / Study

Color! The richness and variety of the orange in the kettle, fabric and flowers are complimented by the blue green of the foliage. To my eye this is irresistible!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

White Turnips

I was inspired by Cezanne's still life paintings - and he is a great inspiration. Also the turnips were so creamy white , they became the the star attraction !
This is a somewhat larger painting on Yupo  11" x19"

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Returning to a favorite still life theme, my painting methods have changed a lot , and I find it marvelous that there still is so much to just figure out !

10" x 14"  watercolor on Yupo

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

On My Kindle

A swift study, silly subject matter, making the marks matter...

10" x 13" watercolor on Yupo

Monday, February 4, 2013

Fishing Boats / Santorini

In rural Greece, local fishermen bring home their catch , just pulling their boats up onto the gravelly shore in the cove, tossing the ropes onto nearby rocks.

 watercolor on Yupo  10" x 14"